Sioux Valley Energy’s Key Account program was established to focus necessary attention on commercial and industrial (C&I) members-owners. The Cooperative provides affordable, reliable, and quality power to C&I member-owners as well as offering products and services necessary for their needs. This includes but is not limited to: rebates, demand reduction assistance, energy audit assistance, power quality, auditing and monitoring, Business Power Up newsletter and personalized meetings.  For more information, contact our Manager of Public Relations, Jay Buchholz or the Energy Services Department at 800-234-1960.

    Available Rebates and Incentives for Commercial Members:

    There are several rebates and incentives available for commercial and agricultural members include: electric heat, irrigation, energy audit reimbursement, and commercial public EV chargers. 

    Learn more

    Call our Energy Services Department at 800-234-1960 for more information.

    Inside the Grid Podcast:

    Manager of Public Relations, Jay Buchholz, hosts a podcast each month geared towards commercial and agricultural members.

    Listen now

    Business Power Up Newsletter

    Business Power Up

      A monthly newsletter is available to Sioux Valley Energy's commercial members.  If you have questions regarding the newsletter, contact Jay Buchholz at 800-234-1960.

      January 2022: Planning for Your Energy Future

      February 2022: Developing Strong Communities

      March 2022: Energy Savings Programs for Your Business

      April 2022: Always Think Safety

      May 2022: Powering Up Our Communities

      June 2022: Chatting with Local Chambers

      July 2022: Cybersecrity

      August 2022: Economic Deep Dive

      September 2022: EV Ride and Drive Preview

      October 2022: October is Cooperative Month

      (Includes Inside The Grid Podcast)

      Business Power Up Videos