Who Powers You is an exciting contest being hosted by the region’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives to highlight local figures who are making a difference in their communities. Nominate someone you think deserves to win up to $3,000 for their cause. Go to WhoPowersYouContest.com to submit your local hero. (Nominations are open annually from early February through April.)
Weekly finalists will be announced and featured on Keloland Living starting March 13, 2025. The three contest winners will be announced on Keloland Living at the end of May each year. The Who Powers You contest grand prize winner will receive a $3,000 prize. A second place winner will receive $1,500 and the contest’s third place winner will receive $500.
Learn more about the Who Powers You! contest and nominate your local hero!

March 20, 2024: Hero Haven - Wade Blum
April 15, 2024: Rare by Design - Kendra Gottsleben
B-Squad: Mandi Haase

March 30, 2023: Heidi Briseno

April 27, 2023: Harmony, South Dakota