Donation Requests

A core principle of Sioux Valley Energy is Commitment to Community

To demonstrate that, the Cooperative will consider donation requests from non-profit organizations, schools, and communities. Donation funds are limited.

For more information, contact Carrie Vugteveen at 800-234-1960 or email her at

Charitable Giving Guidelines

To consider a donation request, the requester must fill out a Sioux Valley Energy Charitable Request Form found below or submit their request in writing.

Requests will be considered for non-profit, community, or school organizations within the Sioux Valley Energy service territory footprint. Those entities must conduct most of their activities within the SVE service territory.

Priority consideration is given to organizations and groups that benefit Sioux Valley Energy communities, its members, and their families.

Non-profit organizations with larger donation requests should consider applying for a Sioux Valley Energy Operation Round Up grant. More information and an application can be found here:

Donations for the following will not typically be considered:

  • Projects outside the Cooperative’s service territory.
  • Fundraising for group or individual travel expenses (e.g. air, gas, food, or lodging).
  • Donations to individuals. Raffle prizes for benefits will be considered but are not guaranteed.
  • Donations to individual sports teams. Requests can be made for non-profit sports/school organizations.
  • Donations for the advancement of religious or political causes.
  • On-going operational expenses and salaries.
Organization Information
Contact Information
Contact Address

What type of contribution are you seeking? (check one)
What sponsorship category does this request fall under?
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