Home Energy Makeover Contest

Watch for the Home Energy Makeover Contest details on the website and Cooperative Connections newsletter. 

Use Energy Wisely

Learn how electric heat pumps stack up against other fuel sources and get info on giving your home an energy audit.

Energy Solutions Catalog

Learn more about Sioux Valley Energy's programs and services by downloading our Energy Solutions Catalog.

Load Management

Load management helps shift the load peak to times when customers are not using as much electricity by controlling equipment such as water heaters and air conditioning.

Energy Efficiency Resources

Saving energy is saving money. Tactics to save energy come in all shapes and sizes, including steps you can take today at no cost. Energy efficiency also increases the comfortability of your home, and makes larger projects worth the investment. Review our resources to help you become more energy efficient. 

Energy Technology

Advancements in technology impact the energy industry, including how we generate, store, and manage electricity usage. Technology has also placed more power in the hands of cooperative members like you, to better understand and manage your electricity needs. 

Is it a good idea to use space heaters? Efficiency, cost and safety reminders

Don't let phantom power trick you