About REED Fund

The Rural Electric Economic Development (REED) Fund is a non-profit corporation created by Sioux Valley Energy and other East River member cooperatives in order to offer financing for business, agri-business, infrastructure and community development projects that benefit rural areas.

The mission of the REED Fund is to support Sioux Valley Energy and other electric cooperatives in providing financing and to help leverage investment in communities and rural areas to make a difference in our region.

REED was formed in 1996 and is owned and governed by the East River member cooperatives serving eastern South Dakota and western Minnesota.

REED Eligibility

  • Applicants must be legal entities, sole proprietors, and/or units of government.
  • A minimum of 10% owner's equity in cash or assets of the project/business is required.
  • Requests cannot exceed 50% of a project's total cost, accompanied by either bank commitment or denial, and must reasonably assist the project.
  • Assurance of willingness and ability to repay the loan and adequate collateral.
  • The proposed project must be located within Sioux Valley Energy's service area.
  • The proposed project must fall into REED's three target loan markets.
    • Business, Industrial Development, and Infrastructure: Loans support business growth and development and contribute to employment and business ownership opportunities. The loans benefit retail, service, tourism, manufacturing and technology sectors.
    • Value-Added Agriculture: To recognize agriculture's impact on the region's economic base, REED makes loans to support projects that add value to local agriculture production through innovation, improved services, further processing or marketing. Loans are not made for traditional production agriculture. 
    • Community Development: Community services and quality of life are necessary for sustainable development. Loan recipients may include but are not limited to, civic and philanthropic organizations, educational institutions, local governments and special purpose districts.