About Operation Round Up
The circle of giving—you give and you receive. That is the philosophy behind Sioux Valley Energy's Operation Round Up program. Since the year 2000, members and employees have awarded more than $2-Million to worthwhile causes throughout the cooperative's service territory. The concept is easy, participating members agree to have their electric bill rounded up to the next highest dollar and that money is collected for Operation Round Up. Many Sioux Valley Energy employees also help by deducting a small amount from their paychecks.
Operation Round Up is administered by a non-profit trust, the Sioux Valley Energy Customers' Trust, which was initiated in the fall of 2000. The purpose of the trust is to acquire, accumulate and disburse funds for charitable and educational purposes as permitted by Section 501 (c) (3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Your community, your school, and/or your nonprofit organization may be eligible for funding. Each quarter, the Board of Directors, volunteer representatives of each county, meet to review grant applications and make awards based on criteria guidelines of the Trust. Not all proposals are funded, and not all applications are funded at the full funding request.
The region served by the Trust includes the seven-county Sioux Valley Energy service area, as well as adjacent neighborhoods within the outer boundaries of the cooperative's service area. Money must also be spent within these boundaries. The electrical service area includes Rock and Pipestone counties in Minnesota, and Brookings, part of Kingsbury, Lake, Moody, and Minnehaha counties in South Dakota.
The major funding categories of the Sioux Valley Energy Customers' Trust include lending assistance to community service projects, economic development programs, education and youth initiatives, and emergency energy assistance. These funds are also available, should the need arise, to provide disaster relief.
Examples of the types of organizations who have received funding in the past are daycare associations, schools, nursing homes, sports clubs, vocational schools, youth groups, scholarship programs, humanity programs, fire departments, cities, special needs for individuals, and senior dining programs.
The Sioux Valley Energy Customers' Trust Board of Directors meets quarterly in the months of March, June, September, and December. Applications must be received by the 20th of the month preceding the board meeting. For example, in order to be considered at the December meeting, your application must be received no later than November 20th.
If you are a Sioux Valley Energy customer and participate in Operation Round Up, thank you for your generosity. Participation in Operation Round Up is voluntary, but as one Sioux Valley Energy customer explains, the impact is worth every penny.
If you are a customer who currently is not participating in the program but would like to join, just indicate on your next billing that you would like to participate in Operation Round Up, sign up online or call 1-800-234-1960. You too can help make a difference.
Board of Directors
Brenda Volkers
Brookings County
Alvina Harvey
Dan LaRock
Rock County
Greg Benda
Lake County
Joyce DeClerk
Moody County
Connie Hillard
Pipestone County
Bonnie Dybedahl
Minnehaha County
Yes, you can FAX an application to 605-256-1693.
The Operation Round Up program is voluntary. Each new customer is automatically signed up to participate, but any customer who wishes not to participate may notify us in one of the three ways.
- Respond by sending us a message on our web site: Click Here
- Call our office at 1-800-234-1960, or
- Sign and return a form in their "new member" packet
Individuals are eligible to receive up to $2,500/year and groups, organizations, or charities are eligible to receive up to $10,000 annually.
The average member will contribute $6.00/year; the most they can contribute is $11.88/year. These dollars are tax deductible. The total amount you have contributed during the year will be reflected on your December electric bill.
The information was first presented to the Member Advisory Committee for their reaction before it was presented to the Sioux Valley Energy Board of Directors. Focus groups discussed the proposal and recommendations were made for implementation of the program. The Sioux Valley Energy Board of Directors voted to accept the recommendations and proceeded with the program.
Operation Round Up gathers voluntary contributions from participating cooperative members by "rounding up" their monthly bills to the next dollar resulting in an average donation of roughly $6 per year, which is distributed to worthy local causes. Every donation is made to applicants right in our own local area, and nearly all of the contributions go to the needy, not to the administrative costs of running the program. What is most rewarding about the concept of Operation Round Up is that it is an extension of the concept of neighbor helping neighbor that built our electric cooperative.
All applications received by the 20th of the month preceding a Board meeting will be considered at the next Board meeting. The Sioux Valley Energy Customers' Trust Board of Directors meets quarterly in the months of March, June, September, and December. Applications must be received by the 20th of the month preceding the board meeting. For example, in order to be considered at the December meeting, your application must be received no later than November 20th.
Completed applications should be mailed to:
Sioux Valley Energy Customers' Trust
PO Box 216
Colman, SD 57017
Whenever possible, requests for funding should be for projects that will be completed within 12-months following the grant application. Requests for funding for projects that have already been completed will be given less priority.
The Operation Round Up funds are kept in a trust fund and are dispersed as directed by the Operation Round Up board.
Individuals and non-profit organizations within the Sioux Valley Energy service area may apply.
The Operation Round Up is a separate entity with its own board consisting of leaders within the community. The Sioux Valley Energy Board of Directors appoints one director from each of the following counties: Minnehaha, Moody, Lake, Brookings, Rock, Pipestone and the at-large director.
The Operation Round Up program is intended to benefit people and organizations within the Sioux Valley Energy service area. Operation Round Up funds may be used for community service projects, economic development, education and youth programs, environmental projects, emergency energy assistance and disaster relief.
Yes, just contact us at 877-511-8062 and let us know you would like to opt out of the program.
I. Policy and Purpose - The Sioux Valley Energy Customers’ Trust will be funded by Operation Round-Up® voluntary contributions from members of the Sioux Valley Energy and from other sources of funds available to the Trust. Operation Round-Up® contributions will be used primarily in the local area served by the Cooperative for charitable and educational purposes, including emergency energy assistance.
II. Major Funding Categories - Although there are many worthy charitable and educational projects and community needs in our local area, the limited availability of funds requires us to establish funding priority categories as follows, with annual budget allocation ranges for each category:
A. Community Service
1. Programs, projects and organizations that are important components of a community’s overall quality of life, with emphasis on public safety, health care, self-sufficiency, and basic human needs.
2. Programs and projects that enhance the cultural environment of communities in our local area.
B. Economic Development
1. Programs and projects designed to promote greater economic stability by helping to expand and diversify local economies, with emphasis on business retention and expansion, new business development and tourism.
2. Programs and projects that encourage cooperation among regional and community economic development organizations.
3. Community leadership programs designed to improve problem-solving skills and empower people to become self-reliant in identifying solutions to local economic and social problems.
C. Education and Youth
1. School scholarships and other programs and projects with an emphasis on math and science education and cooperative educational programs.
2. Programs that are designed to combat critical social problems affecting our children and youth, with an emphasis on children and teens at risk.
3. Programs and projects that promote wellness and encourage youth participation in athletics and physical fitness activities.
D. Environment
1. Programs and projects that promote community recycling and natural resource preservation.
2. Community-based environmental quality education programs.
3. Environmentally sensitive agricultural research programs and projects.
E. Emergency Energy Assistance
1. Community Action Programs, Heatshare and other local and statewide fuel funds established by an energy provider, the States of South Dakota and Minnesota or any other entity that collects and distributes money for low-income emergency energy assistance and meets the minimum criteria, including income eligibility criteria, for receiving money from the Federal Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program and the Program’s Incentive Fund for Leveraging Non-Federal Resources.
2. Funds distributed under this funding category shall comply with Minnesota Statutes Section 268.371, and South Dakota Statutes Section 1-36-20.
F. Disaster Relief - Program and projects to provide disaster relief and food, clothing, shelter, medical care, clean-up and repairs and reconstruction in an emergency following an accident, a severe storm or other causes.
III. Geographic Focus
Contributions will be focused geographically within the area served by the Cooperative and adjacent areas. Organizations which provide programs and benefits to people who live in this geographic area are eligible for funding consideration, even though the organization is located elsewhere.
IV. Funding Restrictions
1. Contributions will generally be made only to non-profit organizations that have been granted tax-exempt status under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(C) (3).
2. Contributions will generally not be made for:
a. Lobbying, political and religious organizations,
b. labor organizations;
c. Fund-raising dinners, raffles and other events;
d. Individuals (except school scholarships and disaster relief);
e. Capital fund campaigns;
f. National fund drives; and
g. Advertising.
V. Evaluation Factors -
1. The following factors will be considered in the evaluation of all funding requests:
a. Potential benefit to area residents and the entire community;
b. Level of community support for the program or project or the organization requesting the funds;
c. Fiscal and administrative capability of the organization to deliver a quality service or program; and
d. Results that are predictable and can be evaluated.
2. It shall be the responsibility of all Trust Directors to evaluate funding requests and allocate contributions to accomplish the purposes and intent of this policy and these guidelines.
VI. Project Timing - Whenever possible, requests for funding should be for projects that will be completed within 12 months following the grant application. Requests for funding for projects that have already been completed will be given less priority.
2024 Fourth Quarter Recipients | |||
Entity | Town | Purpose | Areas Served |
Baltic Community Garden
funding for an outdoor classroom at the community garden |
Minnehaha |
Boys & Girls Club of Brookings | Brookings | funding to purchase e-sports consoles | Brookings, Lake, Minnehaha, & Pipestone |
Boys & Girls Club of Moody County | Flandreau | funding to purchase e-sports consoles | Brookings, Lake, Minnehaha, & Moody |
Brandon Valley Band Parents, Inc | Brandon | funding to purchase portable mirrors | Minnehaha |
Brandon Valley Hockey Association | Brandon | funding to build an indoor hockey facility | Minnehaha |
Breathe Bravely | Sioux Falls | funding to be used for programming "Singspire" | Brookings, Minnehaha, Pipestone, & Rock |
Carson's Cause | Luverne | funding to purchase a book for each student in the elementary to improve brain health | Pipestone & Rock |
Catholic Community Foundation | Sioux Falls | funding to purchase gifts for children that attend the Christmas at the Cathedral | Minnehaha |
Chester Area Middle School Science | Chester | funding to cover costs for two projects for students | Brookings, Lake, Minnehaha & Moody |
Christ Lutheran Church Daycare | Hartford | funding to purchase wellness/physical fitness items | Minnehaha |
City of Beaver Creek | Beaver Creek | funding to purchase additional features for the splash pad | Minnehaha, Pipestone & Rock |
City of Colton | Colton | funding to add a 10 x 14 concrete pad to the city pool | Minnehaha |
Dakota Drifters Snowmobile Club | Brookings | funding to be used for speaker/presenter's costs, registration material and snowmobiling community networking to host the 2024 state convention | Brookings |
Dakota State University Foundation | Madison | funding to be used for the JA program | Lake, Moody |
Dynamic Dance Booster Club | Brandon | funding to support the dance team at the world competition in Florida | Minnehaha |
East Dakota Transit | Madison | funding for the general transportation operation | Lake |
Flandreau Public High School-After Prom | Flandreau | funding for expenses for the after-prom party | Moody |
Generations Inc/Quilters | Luverne | funding to purchase batting and other sewing supplies | Minnehaha, Pipestone & Rock |
Great Bear Ski Valley Adaptive Skier Program | Sioux Falls | funding to purchase a SnowKart | Minnehaha, Moody & Rock |
Historic Pipestone, Incorporated (HPI) | Pipestone | funding for the electrical & plumbing portion to remodel the St Paul Episcopal Church | Pipestone |
Independent Living Choices-ADA 35 Festival | Sioux Falls | funding to support vendors, interactive booths, activities, programming, volunteers and more for the ADA 35 Festival | SD Counties |
Madison High School Drumline | Madison | Madison High School Drumline | Lake |
Palisades State Park | Garretson | funding to install a dock at the Palisades | All Counties |
Pipestone County Historical Society | Pipestone | funding for the electrical upgrade for the Ferris Grand | Pipestone |
Rare by Design | Sioux Falls | funding to be a sponsor for The Style Show:A Runway to Empower event | Brookings, Minnehaha |
South Dakota Youth Foundation, Inc | Brookings | funding to be used for student training materials, toolkits for each school and curriculum printing | Brookings, Lake & Minnehaha |
Sunset Harbor Homeowners Association | Madison | funding to reimburse the Sunset Harbor Association for the purchase of an AED | Lake |
The Domestic Violence Network | Madison | funding for rental deposits, rent, utility deposits, utility bills, and many items to help individuals and families | Lake |
Town of Ramona | Ramona | funding to transform the baseball field into a multi-use facility | Lake |
TSC Blaze | Tea | funding to help pay for new uniforms and equipment for the upcoming season | Brookings, Lake, Minnehaha & Rock |
Volunteers of America | Sioux Falls | funding to purchase sensory equipment for children residing at New Start | Minnehaha |
Washington Pavilion Management, Inc | Sioux Falls | funding to offset expenses involved in facilitating Spotlight's Plays for Living and also for the new Theatre Artist Development Academy | Brookings, Lake, Minnehaha, Moody & Rock |
2024 Third Quarter Recipients | |||
Entity | Town | Purpose | Areas Served |
American Heart Association
funding different programs such as CPR training and other initiatives |
All counties |
Bethel Lutheran Home |
Madison, SD |
funding to purchase a convection oven and warming table | Lake & Moody |
Brandon Valley Optimist Club |
Brandon, SD | funding to provide an additional gaga ball pit at the Brandon Elementary |
Minnehaha |
Brookings Area Camp Adventure |
Brookings, SD | funding to provide camp supplies, food, field trips, t-shirts & transportation during camp week |
Brookings, Minnehaha & Pipestone |
Brookings County 4-H | Brookings, SD | funding to purchase t-shirts for children to wear for Achievement Days |
Brookings |
Call to Freedom | Sioux Falls, SD | funding for Youth Case Management & Occupational Therapy Program |
Brookings & Minnehaha |
Crooks Veteran Park |
Crooks, SD | funding would be used for the electrical portion of the project | Minnehaha |
Flandreau Elementary PBIS | Flandreau, SD | funding to be used to purchase items for the SOAR store | Moody |
Girl Scouts Dakota Horizon |
Sioux Falls, SD | funding to cover expenses for the STEM event |
Moody, Lake, Minnehaha, Brookings & Rock |
Health Connect of South Dakota | Sioux Falls, SD | funding for expenses for health & safety activities at the Health Connect Festival in September |
Lake, Minnehaha, & Moody |
Inter-Lakes Community Action Partnership, Inc |
Madison, SD | funding for the support of ICAP's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance | All SD counties |
Junior Achievement of South Dakota | Sioux Falls, SD | funding to support JA Finance Park, an immersive student experience for middle & high school students |
Brookings, Lake, Minnehaha & Moody |
Lights at the Lodge |
Pipestone, MN | funding to complete the new ice castle for the Lights at the Lodge event |
Pipestone |
Madison Volunteer Fire Department |
Madison, SD | funding to cover costs of changing the radio system over from UHF to VHF | Lake |
ORR Trap Team |
Ramona, SD | funding to offset costs for students & families to participate in the ORR Sporting Clay Trap Team | Lake |
Prairie Village-Junius Schoolhouse | Madison, SD | funding to purchase materials to make rugs with looms during Jamboree Days and demonstrate making rugs for school visits |
All counties |
Rock Ranch |
Hills, MN | funding for the construction of a horse shelter |
All counties |
SWWC Foundation |
Marshall, MN | funding to support the SWWC Student Enrichment Program |
Pipestone & Rock |
2024 Second Quarter Recipients | |||
Entity | Town | Purpose | Areas Served |
Arlington FFA and Arlington Backpack program | Arlington SD | purchase gardening tools | Brookings & Lake |
Family Back 2 School | Brookings SD | purchase of backpack, school supplies, personal hygiene products, and a new pair of shoes for students |
Brookings |
Blue Dragon Foundation | Garretson SD | purchase and install a new scoreboard | Minnehaha & Rock |
Garretson Sportsmen’s Club | Garretson SD | operating expenses for South Dakota High School Clay Target League |
Minnehaha |
Lake Norden Fire Department | Lake Norden SD | funding for replacement of trucks, gear, and equipment as a result of fire at the fire hall |
Brookings |
Luv1LuvAll | Luverne MN | funding for pilot program to help with mental health counseling,funding for those with no health insurance and those ineligible for existing low- income programs |
Rock |
Luverne Elementary School | Luverne MN | funding for Humanity Launch retreats for fourth, seventh, and 10th grade students |
Rock |
Rock County SnoMasters | Luverne MN | replace equipment for trail maintenance Women’s Giving Circle (Rock County), events that educate, support, and empower women and girls in Rock County |
Pipestone & Rock |
Mad Arts Theatre Company | Madison SD | funding for facility use, production rights costs, and scripts for the first community theatre production at Prairie Village | Lake |
City of Magnolia | Magnolia MN | replace equipment, add equipment for younger and disabled children, and a sitting area for parents |
Rock |
Pipestone Area Softball-Baseball Association | Pipestone MN | funding to buy supplies for girls softball program and ag Lime for boys’ baseball games | Pipestone |
Pipestone EDA | Pipestone MN | remodel and furnish four office spaces | Pipestone |
Pipestone County Food Shelf, Inc. | Pipestone MN | buy food due to additional clients using the Pipestone County Food Shelf |
All counties |
Pipestone Performing Arts Center | Pipestone MN | convert fluorescent lights to LED bulbs | Brookings, Minnehaha, Moody, Pipestone & Rock |
Pipestone Senior Citizens Center | Pipestone MN | funding to purchase color printer, snacks, provide speakers and entertainment, transportation costs, cleaning expenses, and offset salary and utilities | Pipestone & Moody |
Progress, Inc. | Pipestone MN | funding to purchase a new refrigerator | Pipestone |
Making Oldham-Ramona Excellent/Ramona Express Baseball | Ramona | funding to purchase equipment, supplies, league dues, and insurance for the baseball team |
Lake |
Ramona Community Club | Ramona | funding for expenses associated with the summer ball program | Lake |
Boy Scouts of America, Sioux Council | Sioux Falls | funding to be used for membership,recruiting supplies, program marketing, youth scholarships, program equipment and supplies, leader training, and program facility maintenance |
All counties |
Face It TOGETHER | Sioux Falls | funding to provide coaching sessions to those with addictions | Brookings, Lake, Minnehaha, & Moody |
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sioux Falls | Sioux Falls | purchase construction materials to build a Habitat for Humanity Home |
Minnehaha |
McCrossan Boys Ranch | Sioux Falls | funding to establish a track and field facility | All counties |
2024 First Quarter Recipients | |||
Entity | Town | Purpose | Areas Served |
Abbott House, Inc | Mitchell SD | funding to purchase bedroom sets for children | Brookings, Lake, Minnehaha, & Moody |
Ag Women's Day | Aurora SD | funding to be used for speaker fees | Brookings, Lake, Minnehaha, Moody, & Pipestone |
Brandon Area Soccer Association | Brandon SD | funding to enhance the soccer program & provide an adequate facility for the team | Minnehaha |
Brookings Backpack Project | Brookings SD | funding to purchase food to distribute weekly to children in food insecure homes | Brookings |
Buddies & Co | Brandon SD | funding for building modifications, equipment, & ongoing expenses | Minnehaha |
Center of Hope | Sioux Falls SD | funding to cover costs for bicycle parts, tools, & bicycle locks | Minnehaha |
Chester Girls Basketball | Chester SD | funding to be used for team camps, travel, lodging, & meals | Lake |
Children's Home Shelter for Family Safety | Sioux Falls SD | funding to purchase four new rocking chairs | Brookings, Lake, Minnehaha, Moody, & Rock |
City of Hardwick | Hardwick MN | funding to install overhead lights | Rock & Pipestone |
Colman City Pool | Colman SD | funding for upgrades to the city pool | Moody & Lake |
Dakota State University Foundation | Madison SD | funding for a JA-in-a-Day program | Lake & Moody |
Hills-Beaver Creek Secondary | Hills MN | funding for expenses for a Humanity Launch day retreat | Minnehaha & Rock |
HorsePower | Sioux Falls SD | funding to provide scholarships to assist underprivileged riders who need help financially | Minnehaha |
Jasper Community Foundation | Jasper MN | funding to put a splash pad in the city park | Pipestone, Rock, Minnehaha, & Moody |
Midwest Street Medicine | Sioux Falls SD | funding to be used to purchase medications, wound care supplies, vaccines & medical equipment for people living in extreme poverty | Minnehaha |
National Inventors Hall of Fame, Inc | North Canton OH | funding for the Camp Invention summer program | Minnehaha & Brookings |
Pipestone Area Chamber of Commerce | Pipestone MN | funding to have books given to each child who visits Santa | Brookings, Lake, Moody, Minnehaha, Rock, & Pipestone |
Pipestone Area Youth Fastpitch | Pipestone MN | funding for registration costs for tournaments & to purchase three dozen softballs | Pipestone & Rock |
Scouts BSA Troop 8 Girls | Hartford SD | funding to purchase new equipment for their troop | Minnehaha |
Sioux Falls Public Schools Education Foundation | Sioux Falls SD | funding for the Public Proud Grant Program | Minnehaha |
South Dakota FFA Foundation, Inc | Bath SD | funding to provide FFA jackets to students & leadership retreat scholarships | Moody, Lake, Minnehaha, & Brookings |
SW MN Blaze Baseball | Marshall MN | funding to pay for entry fees, coaches fees, uniforms, trading pins, and umpire fees | Rock & Pipestone |
The Salvation Army | Sioux Falls SD | funding to be used for the utility assistance program | Minnehaha |
Tri-Valley-Crooks Elementary School | Crooks SD | funding to purchase two sets of specific headphones | Minnehaha |
West Central Education Foundation | Hartford SD | funding to be used for grant requests for the teachers at West Central School | Minnehaha |
2023 Fourth Quarter Recipients |
Entity | Town | Purpose | Areas Served |
A.C.E. SW MN Pipestone County | Pipestone | Purchase soft hand weights | Pipestone County |
Brookings County Sheriff's Office | Brookings | Purchase a new K-9 as well as equipment needed | Brookings County |
Carroll Institute | Sioux Falls | Provide education in the classroom for the Project Awareness Program | Minnehaha County |
Carson's Cause | Luverne | Purchase a book for each student to improve brain health | Pipestone and Rock |
Chester Area Middle School | Chester | Purchase solar power home kits for students | Moody, Lake, Minnehaha, and Brookings |
Chester Area School Fellowship of Christian Athletes | Chester | Funding for expenses involved with serving "The Banquet" by student athletes | Moody, Lake, Minnehaha, and Brookings |
Christ Lutheran Church Daycare | Hartford | Funding for a new roof |
Minnehaha County |
Crooks Community Child Care Center | Crooks | Equipment for the commercial kitchen | Minnehaha County |
East Dakota Transit, Inc. | Madison | Funding to provide the general transportation operation | Lake County |
Flandreau After Prom 2024 | Flandreau | Funding to provide safe entertainment for the after prom party |
Moody County |
Generations, Inc. | Luverne | Purchase a new sewing machine, fabric & batting | Pipestone and Rock |
Hawks Volleyball Club of Colman | Colman | Funding for expenses for new and upgrades to current equipment and to replace current jerseys | Moody County |
Kids Rock! Child Care Center | Luverne | Purchase FF&E and outdoor playground equipment | Rock County |
Madison High School Softball Team | Madison | Purchase softball equipment | Lake County |
Pipestone Area Band Parents Association | Pipestone | Funding for expenses for the marching band to attend the Portland Rose Festival parade | Pipestone County |
Pipestone Area Schools | Pipestone | Purchase an ID printer, badges, and lanyards for students and staff | Pipestone County |
Rare by Design | Sioux Falls | Funding to sponsor The Style Show: A Runway to Empower 2024! | Minnehaha County |
South Dakota Freedom Hunts, Inc. | Flandreau | Funding to cover costs of a hunting event for special hunters | All South Dakota counties |
St. Mary Catholic Schools | Dell Rapids | Purchase new teacher desks for the staff | Minnehaha and Moody |
Sunset Harbor Homeowners Association | Madison | Funding to reimburse Sunset Harbor Association for the purchase of an AED | Lake County |
Washington Pavilion Management, Inc. | Sioux Falls | Funding to elevate DAPA's offerings during its current season and offset some recent unforeseen expenses | All Counties |
West Central Music Association | Hartford | Purchase six stage lights | Minnehaha County |
Sioux Valley Energy | Colman | Scholarships | Brookings, Kingsbury, Lake, Minnehaha, Moody, Pipestone, and Rock |
2023 Third Quarter Recipients |
Entity | Town | Purpose | Areas Served |
Catholic Community Foundation | Sioux Falls | Purchase gifts for children that attend the Christmas at the Cathedral | Minnehaha County |
City of Pipestone Lights at the Lodge | Pipestone | expand the Lights at the Lodge event | Pipestone County |
Crooks Veterans Park | Crooks | Purchase flagpoles and services stones for the new Crooks Veterans Park | Minnehaha County |
Girl Scouts-Dakota Horizons | Sioux Falls | Sponsor for the BIG event | Brookings, Lake, Minnehaha, Moody and Rock |
Health Connect of South Dakota | Sioux Falls | Support health screenings, flu shot doses, and public health education | All South Dakota counties |
Inter-Lakes Community Action Partnership | Madison | Support the operational expenses of the Encore Family Store | All South Dakota counties |
Madison High School Track and Field | Madison | Update the pole vault equipment | Lake |
Palisades State Park | Garretson | Add more ADA structures to playground | All counties |
Rock Ranch | Hills | Parking lot paving for the facility | Brookings, Lake, Minnehaha, Pipestone and Rock |
South Dakota Renegades 18U McDougall | Sioux Falls | Tournament fees for PGF Nationals in California |
Lake and Minnehaha |
SWWC Foundation for Innovation in Education | Marshall | Registration and participation fees for students to attend three conferences | Pipestone and Rock |
The Gathering | Madison | Assist serving groups with expenses to serve The Gathering | Lake |
TSC Fire (Tiger Softball Club) | Tea | Equipment and uniforms for 14U softball team | Lake, Minnehaha, and Moody |
Sioux Valley Energy | Colman | Scholarships | Brookings, Kingsbury, Lake, Minnehaha, Moody, Pipestone, and Rock |
Apply for Funding
To apply for a grant, fill out the application form. After completing the application (found in the link below), attach the supporting documentation and mail to:
Sioux Valley Energy
PO Box 216
Colman, South Dakota 57017
You can also email the fillable application and materials to amy.voelker@siouxvalleyenergy.com.